TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the Winery Tour held 18-20 May, page 2

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Lunch at Griffin Tavern

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View from front sidewalk

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Through the flowers
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Ready to hit the road again

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Gray Ghost Winery

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MGs at Gray Ghost Winery

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Tasting at Gray Ghost

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Betty gets a sample
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Learning history of the winery

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On the road again

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Taking in the scenery

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Naked Mountain Winery

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Another view
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Parking at an angle

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Are we in West VA?

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Overlooking MGs

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Wonderful view

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Enjoying the afternoon

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Listening to the winemaker

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Leaving the hotel

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Andy & Cynthia take a different route

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Old House Winery
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Old House 

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View from the house

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That's why we're here!

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Tasting room

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MGs at Old House Winery

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View from vineyard

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Lunch at Frost's Diner in Culpeper

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Rest of the gang

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TMGC in Culpeper
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Grayhaven Winery, final stop

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MGs at Grayhaven